Monday, 28 November 2016

Journal: Motivation Monday

if i need to write an essay, i will read plenty of books first
if i need to create a photo, i will go through plenty of amazing photos first
if i need to make a video, i will watch plenty of awesome videos first

it's all so and so for everything we do.
there's no real guide to success.
you just need to get prepared and never give up.
if u are lucky, it will turn out great and others will notice it.
if you are unlucky, just keep doing whatever it is as long as you are satisfied.

it's been awhile since i truly push myself to create and be satisfied. it has it's reasons. one of it is i'm no longer taking frequesnt caffeine. it's sad, very sad, but it's for the good of my health.

been getting gastric attacks and sleeping pattern was poor before this. apparently, sleeping late and and waking up late and then having your meals late and also have a cup of coffee can affect your stomach greatly. coffee is acidic. etc etc. it made me feel sick. it's not cool to live that way, though that's my creative enhancer. well, i can always find other ways!

can't wait to stop watcing kdramas and continue to alevate my brain activities.

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