Wednesday, 26 July 2017

How to pick WATERMELON

On this warm weather, there is nothing more desirable than a slice or two of watermelon fresh out of the fridge!

However, to choose the sweet, juicy and ripe watermelon, there are some tricks that you need to know before buckling up and going to the nearest supermarket!

  1. Find the one that has the field spot. The yellower the field spot or ground spot, the sweeter the watermelon!
  2. It is heavier than it looks. 
  3. The best watermelon is not the biggest, but the average size
  4. It has dark green and even lines
  5. It has a dull outer layer, because the shiny ones are unripe!
  6. Webbing is good! The webbing is just an indicator that the bees were there to pollinate its flower. Bees like sweet stuff! so logically, the more webbing on the watermelon, the sweeter it is!
  7. It has close gaps to show that it was taken when it's ripe
  8. If there is a tail, choose the one with dried tail. The green tails will be unripe 
  9. it has symmetrical size and firm. Firm watermelon is crispy watermelon!
  10. Thump it gently with your fingers. Pick the one with a hollow sound. Watch the video below to learn the difference!
  11. Shake it. If you hear moving sound, then the watermelon is probably over ripe

The video below is the summary of those tricks!

That is all! Good puck picking the best watermelon out there!!!!

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