Wednesday 27 December 2017

Ways to stay motivated

Assuming you've set a goal and on the verge of achieving it, yet suddenly something happened and you lost all motivations. It sucks right?

Well here's a good news for you, there is a cure for that and the only person that can allow that to happen is YOURSELF!

Set a goal and visualise it

Let say you need to finish an assignment before the holiday, try to take a moment and visualise the happiness of enjoying the holiday without needing to worry about homeworks! Visualise the happiness of playing games after finishing the work, etc etc...

Let say you want to be a successful YouTuber, try to visualise waking up everyday just making videos for a living, not needing to go to a 9-5 job, not having any employers, etc etc.

Just visualise it, as Disney quoted, if you can dream it, you can do it!

Remember why you started

Did you started because you wanted to get out of poverty? Then imagine going back to the old days if you stop! 

Remember every thoughts you had when you started. Does it still make sense to achieve it? If it does, then why are you not doing anything? JUST DO IT!

Imagine the regret of wasting time and not achieving your dream

There is not a day after a lazy day that I would not regret from not getting closer to my dream. After a whole day of playing games and generally lack of proper time management for productivity, I would just go to sleep feeling bad.

That's why each time I want to make a very bad decision, I would imagine feeling very bad from regrets and start being productive.

Use the Rocket Launch Method

I saw this method from the internet as the lady speaking was being unproductive for a very long time. She just struggles to wake up in the morning and really cost her losing her jobs. 

So one day she opened her eyes, and got the image of a rocket that is about to launch in her head. She then counted 3, 2, 1 and just like a rocket, she launched from her bed and got up instantly. Ever since that day, she uses that method for doing almost everything and she is now so happy for being productive.

This method is useful for every time you have the urge to procrastinate. Just launch yourself before you mind starts making excuses. Just do it!

Clean up, Stay sharp, Step up your standard!

Still not cleaning that table? Still not cleaning up the bed after waking up? Still not making sure your hygiene is up to the par? Well, consider this day is the halt of your laziness and time to step up!

Have you seen successful people's house and attire? Well start practicing if you want to be one!

Have a routine to follow

It may be a cleaning routine, a dancing routine, a walk to the coffee shop routine, just any routine that you can afford and can make your self feel accomplished by doing the same routines will make you feel like doing more in life.


Scientifically proven to make you feel generally better with yourself and your brain to function better than ever. So dust off your shoes and pick up some sports. If not, take a walk, or a simple 15 minutes abs exercise, or better, do yoga!

Fake it till you make it

Sometimes, we feel unmotivated because we act like an ass. Try to act like a boss to your own life and conquer it. If you have done it enough of times, you will become what you used to fake doing! 

So to be motivated, act like you are a motivated person.

Watch motivational videos

Avoid verbalising complaints

The more you amplify the bad things in life, the more you attract them! So just stay calm, laugh it off with some jokes with your friend, and move on. AVOID, speaking them out too much or they'll amplify.

Count your blessings!

This is better! Always try to talk about the things that you are grateful of. If you feel like boasting when you say them to your friends, try writing them down.

I used to feel generally bummed about life, but one day I decided to write 5 Grateful Things for every single day. And that, ladies and gentlemen, really changed the way I look in life. I began to pursue more and enjoy all the blessings in life and thus, feeling much more motivated to do many things.

Recognise your progress

Sometimes we forgot how good we are at certain things mainly because we got numb to it. Yet try to take a step back, take a deep breath, and really appreciate what you have done. Many people can't do what you have done, and the only logical thing to do is to keep doing it until you become the best you can ever be!!! Don't underestimate yourself!!!!

Change Locations

I do this really often. I will bring my laptop to different places until I can feel the vibe really kicking in. It takes efforts to change locations, but if it means there's a chance you can be productive, then I'll say isn't it will worth it all?

Read up about people you look up to or successful person

There are too many people to list, but you will notice one pattern from their life. They sacrifice a lot of things in life. Try and prove me wrong!

Manage time

Get yourself a schedule! Get your shit together!

Drink coffee/ Energy drink

Use these drinks moderately, not every day! I will use these boosts when I am already in the midst of doing something. Avoid drinking them before you have any idea what to do for the day.

I am now a great user of energy drinks mainly because energy drinks have less caffeine so it enables me to sleep at night. 

I used to drink a lot of coffee, at first it really helps, but at some point, it just loses its power. So be wise using the power of coffee. Same as energy drinks!

Aim low

If you have been unmotivated for a very long time, try to set small goals for yourself.

Make daily To-Do list

Do it the night before you to sleep, visualise how tomorrow will be and achieve them!

This is here is a simple achievable To-do list when I felt really sick. I just make sure the list is short, a priority, and I am sure I will get them done so I will get motivated to do more things for the day.

Go for a drive/walk/bicycle

This one really helped me to get back doing what I was doing. It forces me to take a break from looking at the screen, distract myself with people watching or great music, just have random thoughts and imaginations, and if you are lucky, you will get one of the greatest ideas from this session and feel so pumped up to continue working for success again!

So those are the ways to stay motivated from me and my cats.
Stay awesome, people!


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