Monday 27 July 2015

Journal: Why I Blog

  • to write
  • to make sure my time is spent doing something rather than sleeping
  • to make sure my brain is still functioning 
  • to learn new things like how not to sleep
  • to create a platform for myself to refer again because I'm bloody forgetful
  • to showcase? not sure what to show but no one is here anyway
  • to avoid being on Facebook because it makes me compare my life with others
  • to keep on making something no matter how small it seems
  • to stop making me realise how lonely and hungry i am 
  • to look back in the future and laugh at myself and say, hah! what was i thinking?! 
  • because i cant play a musical keyboard but i can smash a keyboard keyboard
  • because my car is still broken. i'm basically stuck at home and waiting to rot
  • because i'm a potato, trying to be a cat
i love to write. sometimes when i am requested to write something simple, i gave an essay. but a blog is not a place for that. that is my personal journal. this blog is for me to destress. though sometimes it makes me stressful. because i am not a cat yet


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