Thursday 27 July 2017

PT3 English Essay Example: Discussion

Example Answer:

According to the dialogue, I agree with Manan that women should not work. Instead, they should stay at home and raise their children.

If mothers were at home, they will be able to know their children are beginning to get involved in vices, they can nip the delinquent children in the bud. Hence, it is crucial for mothers to be around especially when the children are growing up. Remember, the well-being of younger generations are far more crucial than having all the money in the world. I reckon, it is better to stay humble and have a happy life than have a chaotic household. So mothers are supposed to stay at home and ensure the harmony of a family and mental health of their children.

Another reason why I concur with Manan is that mothers have a role in instilling moral values in their children. As fathers grew busy being the backbone of the family, mothers are the only one left to play this role, by hook or by crooks. Children admire their parents a lot, and with the availability of mothers at home, they can follow the good values portrayed by mothers. This is important because without good morale instilled in children, they will be the same as a house without pillars. No one wants a house like that. So mothers should spend quality time with their children and teach them love, compassion, empathy and so much more. Money cannot give these values to them.

Other than that, a mother with her maternal instincts will be able to understand her children's problems. With an understanding mother, the children can confide their problems in her or even cry over her shoulder. When this happen, children can avoid bottling up their negative feelings. Consequently, juvenile delinquency can be avoided among children.

Therefore, the onus is on the mothers to shape their children's future. After all, filial bond is utmost importance especially in this material era. Thus, I strongly believe that women should not work.


so, what do you think about this essay? leave some comments below to let me know! ♥︎