Wednesday 1 July 2015

Dodol Doodle

recently i posted a photo showing my doodles on the wall of my room in Instagram. somehow, a few days later, someone asked me to make doodles n going to buy them. astonished, but i was over the moon! got my self into making them right away after being contacted

i love looking tru the developing photos. 

made everything within 10days for 10 quotes. yup, the quote was the highlight of these doodles. these are the real product! *had second thought of posting this....but well, why not!

i learned a lot through this process and i do hope i can do more of these again soon. i feel empty today because my drawing mission is over. but it was a fun, relaxing and stressful journey at the same time. because i've lost my favourite pen in the making of these! lol

couldn't go out to buy a proper envelope, oh well....i found a recyclable envelope! yay me~

made sure to give some decorating boosts to cover the fact it was a recycled envelope!

made a simple thank you card with notes behind

it was rainy just now for the delivery. won't risk having the babies wet! wrapped inside and out. 
i truly hope my first ever customer will enjoy this humble art of mine. i do hope for more requests to come so that i can learn more! weeehaaaa~ all hail knowledge *INTP Hitler*


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