Monday 3 August 2015

Printed Project: Teacher's Day

this photo was taken back in September 2013 when i revisit the school

i've graduated SM Chung Hwa at 2012 *feeling old*

i was indeed very active with media editing and all during school days so the following year during teacher's day, i was asked to design a custom made calendar that has all of the teacher's faces to give as a gift. i was excited! despite clueless to what i may create

i ended up starting the design the night before printing and had to burn the midnight oil. i was a nocturnal those days anyway. sent the design by morning and it was printed then!

was so happy that it turned out pretty nice. used Photoshop CS6 as usual and my oh my i didnt know i could do that at that time. used the try and error concept to achieve my mental design. as a perfectionist, i am satisfied. i was also super duper glad that the teachers enjoyed their gift!

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