Thursday 15 October 2015

Short Story: Hermosa and Her Apple Pie

Once upon a time, there lived a girl named Hermosa. She lived in a small opening of a tree and prepared food on her own.

Hermosa was just a petite and soft-voiced girl. However, she was brave because she could walk through the jungle alone at night, without being afraid of the creatures hiding in the dark. She was also strong because she fought a hungry wolf once with just her bare hands. Most importantly, Hermosa was a kind and lovable girl because she liked to give away apples and berries she picked to all of her friends in the jungle.

Hermosa was indeed a perfect girl.

One day, Hermosa was making an apple pie in her tiny kitchen. The aroma of the pie was lurking all around the jungle. She was dancing and singing, too delighted to see her perfect apple pie. It was the best part of her day, because for what would happen next, would change Hermosa’s life, forever…

Hermosa then packed her fresh and warm pie in a basket. She walked out the door to send the pie to her best friend, Bingmo. Bingmo loved apple pies, but Bingmo was a weird eerie girl who lived deep in the forest where no one dared to enter, except the brave girl, Hermosa.

Hermosa was humming songs, still being happy for her pie. She looked around and realised, the sun was setting earlier than usual. So she fastened her pace, wanted to avoid any moonlight beasts.

Darkness then began to overpower the jungle. Hermosa was not anxious, she could already see Bingmo’s house.

Out of the blue, she heard a crack sound on the path at her back. She looked around, only to see big trees swaying through the evening breeze. She continued walking, yet heard more cracking sounds of the tree barks.

She became alerted; she turned her body quickly and shouted,
“Come out now, whatever you are! How dare you to spook me. I am Hermosa, the queen of this jungle!”

A long squeaking sound and giggling of many unknown creatures were suddenly heard!

Hermosa began to feel insulted. She decided to fight the coward creatures. She was putting down her delicious apple pie and ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!

Hermosa was eaten by the creatures. Yes, the apple pie too. THE END.

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