Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Poem: Sick

The worst part of sickness is being alone
No one to take care of you, as you lie in despair and your body weakens and cold
Your mind then wanders at the worst pit of thoughts

You began to realize the little things you took granted of
The health, the free time, the ideas of being productive and ability to do so many things
Everything, lost in the midst of sickness
Time then, became your worst enemy

You stay in bed despite the sun is so nice to bask
Your comfort food tastes pale and dull
You watch reruns when you crave to break a leg, but you can’t
You are weak as you watch life goes on
You sleep, and sleep, as time slipped like a snowflake falling from the sky

Sickness however, taught me to be grateful again,
To seize opportunity whenever it shows up
To realize that pain never lasts more than forever
To realize that I, just a small creature in this big universe

Be grateful child, as sickness is a blessing from God
It is a reminder of how great the power He has
To take and to give, it is all under His will
When you are reminded, be thankful, and get up stronger than ever


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