Thursday 1 June 2017

Photoshop: Looking out to my boyfriend

lol, caption!

it was a busy day for me. i was making a nonsense video.
here the link of it:

make sure to check it out.
haven't subscribed to my channel?
well, go ahead! be prepared to be served some more nonsense crap, hahaha, joke, you'll be entertained.

anyhowwwwwww, the picture,

i was getting tired that time and was really at the verge of giving up again. but i didn't! because i am freaking strong piece of cat.

this is like, the easiest and fastest photo i made. yet it gladly turned out well!

some photos may not be the best you ever going to see, but i promise, i do my best for every photo i did. so yeah, wallah, that was my best.

thanks for dropping by and even read this!

i always assume it is just my future self who reads my blog. hahahha

bye! <3

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