Wednesday 22 July 2015

Journal: July 2015

New month is on its way and my gallery seems to load interesting things this month!

mostly taken with ASUS Zen5. i am proud of you, my android! i'll just get iphone after u pass...but not now. i am kinda broke, okay?

Alhamdulillah for the good month.
i know it's kinda early, but i am just feeling sooooo goooooood tonight!
latest art as a gift :*
outing...cant help not to decorate their interesting tissue
mana bleh xda group photo
sometimes it's messy.......and it's okay
it gets boring at home...and i love journaling
coffee, coffee....others get kogutan with i am addicted to this
what's life without ice cream????
i love much as i love eating
sometimes i watched too much of Jamie Oliver
sometimes, i didnt realise i have too many of something...
until my cleaning mode springs in
smirk from lack of sleep...
washed this big boy for Raya... #deardadimnotyourson
accidents happened..busy searching for began to leak
thus, curiosity peaked...i smelled it...i tasted it...
conclusion: blood = steel/besi....therefore, i dun like blood lol
*thank god or i'll be vampire
because it suddenly looks so fancy!
my lovely cat, Oneng. he hasn't been home for 4 days now...i miss him T_T
a stormed passed. and we shower in the rain now. lol
sometimes i study...
sometimes...sometimes..i read
menabung itu kan amalan yang baik~
i also take weird photos
because it's my 9months old nephew!
family time!
penat makan?ahaha 
preparing kuih be like nomnomnommmm
 hiding from crowds be like boomboombooom
riding big car be like yo wassup

that's all to share i guess. timeline is boring so everything is random. i wonder how i'll feel reading this 20 years later 


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