Friday 31 July 2015

Journal: Tuition Session Habits

this is me hiding during a class. so happy to have a place to hide!!! yes, that's my tired happy face

funny how weird i can be during tuition classes despite being the teacher. i am weird after all. not sure how to define that because your weird is my normal. My weird is you normal.

i've been into this teaching thing for about 2 years now. i realised i have certain habits such as...
  • accidentally laughing out loud while they are being serious
  • talking to myself and unconsciously make it verbal
  • making them talk so i don't have to teach
  • tend to take their pencil from their hand
  • drinking something warm every. single. time.
  • tend to hide whenever i can
  • i'll get bored waiting for them to finish what they do that i'll join them doing the same work
  • taping the mouth of those who wont stop talking and disturbing
  • taping their legs too if necessary
  • mentally squeezing their head off if they got the answers wrong
  • or being spaced out pondering the taste of their brain
  • before each session starts, i sit on my rotatable chair with a black cat on my lap facing away from the door and when they finally arrived, i'll turn around dramatically while stroking my cat and silently say, ahhh..i've been expecting uuuuuuuuuu huehuehuehuhuee
*tet terett tettt tettt inspectorrrrr gadddget*

it's been fun making teaching as a part time. the students are funny and very hardworking. they never halt to make me push myself too to achieve my own goals. it's a win-win situation.

will be busy soon since the big exams sound extra terrifying for the students due to the time distance is getting short. these are the times where students will be rushing to find last minute tuition classes. but i mean come on, Rome was not built in a day!

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