Sunday 24 April 2016

Video: Doodling Session - Watermelons

new video! yay

the biggest credits of all is my internet connection. my modem is currently being fixed. it's been more than 2 weeks now! 2 weeks without unlimited internet access! GAHHHHHHH

well, thanks for this phenomenon, i am able to appreciate the things around me better, and able to do certain things that i haven't done in awhile such as doodling.

the main reason i doodle is to kill time. it's also a good therapy. my mind goes wild while doodling. it distracts myself from reality. it gives me a good feeling. especially when i've done one and it looks good, ahhhh that's so rewarding.

for me, it's just about filling up spaces with wildness and creativity. sometimes, it's not only about that tho. so in the end, doodling is all up to you.

most of my inspirations are from here:

so i made this video in the hope that others would doodle too. find your own style. make your creations. let your mind be free. it may be your hidden talent. so, just do it!! JUST DO IT!!!!

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