Wednesday, 9 May 2018

15 Useful Hacks for FOOD!

1. Turn you snack bags into party plates!

2. You can also do it on the cylinder one

3. Ice some coffee in advance and later pour some milk

4. Reduce the smell of chicken or fish on your hand with coke!

5. Smelly fridge? Put some charcoal!

6. Avoid cutting the roots of onions first to avoid tears

7. Sticky hands after peeling raw banana or jackfruit? Oil!

8. Put straw in a ketchup bottle to fasten the flow

9. Peel the banana from bottom and you won't have the strings

10. Soothe burnt tongue with sugar

11. Use a bottle to separate the yolk

12. Use egg shells to take the shells, or, wet you hand!

13. Bag you ice cream in ziplocks so that it will stay soft

14. Cut orange at the top and bottom and just rip it off like this to ease eating

15. Peel ginger with spoon to avoid waste!

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